I could never have believed I’d say this: I don’t like Robbie’s songs. The newest… songs?… he’s done are weird! Radio I can bear nowadays, but this newest one, Tripping, doesn’t do justice to his great voice at all. It’s that dude he’s been writing songs with, it’s ALL HIS FAULT!
Wasn’t this the guy on the 5 “listening to” meme that you did? And now you’re not liking him? I think I downloaded a song of his just to hear what he was like after you listed him. But of course I’m too old to remember whether I liked it or not.
I do love Robbie Williams (oh, and his songs too :razz:), but he is trying something new with his upcoming album and I’m not liking it. Hopefully there either be different songs there, OR he’ll do so something different again with the next one.
Which song did you download? “Feel” is really good. And any other song he’s done except “Tripping”.
I’m a fan of his too in a way, and it’s just refreshing that he’s returned from his hiatus
(Go, Mike! :laugh:)
That is very true. I just wish he’d have chosen a different “new direction”.