I may not be a movie whore, but I’m a bit of a materialist when it comes to computers… Yesterday I heard a couple of boys talking on the train (sorry Kory, you have to see this twice :smile: )
– I just bought a new computer. It’s got 80 Gb hard drive <mumblemumble> and a 15 inch flat screen!
– Whooooah, I only got, like, 40 G!

I didn’t catch the gigahertzes or memory, but it can’t have been a lot with only 80 G! I felt like adding
– Njah njah, I got 200 Gb hard drive, 3.2 Ghz, and a 19 inch flat screen
but I didn’t. I know, my computer isn’t top notch by geeky standards, so that’s why I only brag about it in my blog where I can shut people up by saying this is my blog and this is my amazing computer. :laugh:

Oh, and his name’s Sullivan. I’ve decided now. (My computer’s, that is.)