Odd people
At work there is a person who coughs in a way that makes me think they’re choking. Also, their cough sometimes develops into a Donald Duck impersonation. Charming.
A student counsellor/thesis guide sort of person at my department wrote me asking if I have thought about master’s thesis stuff. I replied (“yes, I’ve thought about it but I want to get my bachelor’s first…”) and I get a response at 10:30 pm! At 10:30pm they should be watching the sports news. Dedication?
I’m probably odd for writing this. Forgive me, I’m a little tired, I’ve been correcting hundreds (566, still some fun left for tomorrow) of idiotic tag errors by a translator who happily slammed each 100% match from the translation memory into the text even though they were obviously incorrect. Dunce. It’s so sad it’s funny (at least I’m more of a laugher than a nagger in desperation). Oh, we have good laughs at work. I’m lucky the people I work with are wonderful.
I can’t believe you’re supposed to know what your thesis topic will be when you haven’t even finished the BA yet! Talk about planning for the future.
And I’ve been there with the replacement of the code… what a tiresome task, especially for your eyes by the end of the day.:cry:
Well, I’ve written my BA thesis (and it’s been approved), I’m only missing a few courses and the “maturity exam” (answering a question/questions about the thesis to show good language skills).
Don’t know if it was the tags’ fault, but I had to leave a little early today because I got dizzy. Not nice (the fact that I had to leave early :razz:).
Ok, enough working… time for blogging
Whooooa, look at the time! Has it really been 16 days since my last confe… blog entry?! I’m obviously blogged out. What on earth could I write about…?