The good, the bad, the cacophonous
Quite a nice find: Music Export Finland.
There you can listen to Finnish bands — some of them even singing in Finnish! I’m not a fan of Finnish bands, but there’re some songs there I like (= can bear):
— Humane: Wish God Was A Woman
— Bomfunk MC’s: Hypnotic (snippet)
— Kwan: Unconditional Love (only a 40 second snippet)
— Nightwish: Walking In The Air (theme from Snowman)
— The Crash: Lauren Caught My Eye
— Kemopetrol: Child Is My Name
— Club For Five: Muistan Sua Elaine (snippet)
… Stupid snippets … oh well. At least listen to the song by Humane.
Even though the singer sounds like he has a hot potato in his mouth, the song’s kind of nice. The piano thingy on the background stuff. Ah, I guess it’s just acquired taste. Everything in music is. (Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. Just for the record: Tripping is a wonderful song and everything on Intensive Care is awesome. Robbie is a god with dimples.
I’m sure there’d be more nice songs (well, not really sure). I don’t know how long that site will be up (if it’s a temporary thing because it’s “advertising” some party) so Go hear. Finland. And please, don’t judge the country by the kooky bands (say, “Semmarit”).
Actually, I think it sounded more like hot broccoli in his mouth; or perhaps very warm brussel sprouts… not sure about the potato.
It wasn’t a bad sounding song, if I could have understood a damned thing he was saying it might have been better
Brussel sprouts sounds very fitting (in mouth as well as as a metaphor). I had to listen to it again because I didn’t remember it was that incomprehensible. It is.
Cool site. I just randomly clicked through a genre , but there was some good stuff.
Kory, during that daring quest, did you hear any weird language or all just somewhat similar to English?
(Well for all I know, you may be fluent in Finnish which would make it not weird to you, but that is what I meant – did you hear any Finnish?)
I think I heard some Finnish here and there but it does sound similar to English. Only thing I know for sure was in a foreign language was Club For Five, but it was a cappella. Beautiful language (sung by beautiful Finns :smile:).
But if I couldn’t pronounce the song title or the artist, I was pretty sure in what language I could expect it to be sung.
I liked:
– Blake “Two Ways” and “Reaching” – good guitar riffs
– Kwan – enjoyed all that 40 seconds of each would let me
– Helsinki Cooler
– DJ Slow was okay
I would like to have heard something from POnH, but there were no songs listed on their page.
Your blog does not like:
– List tags
I know there were others, but I can’t remember exactly. You guys have some cool band names, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Naked? PalmsOnHips? Eternal Erection? Sounds like Finns know how to keep warm.
List tags aren’t apparently allowed for comments. I’ll allow them, just a sec.
There, let’s see.
Uh, now all I have to do is style that, but I can’t seem to get rid of the white border… *hack hackety hack*
Ooh, interesting =p.
Although I don’t understand a thing they are saying =T. Oh well hehe..
Ah, you inserted new clickity clicks lol xD yay lol…
whee heee =]
Still does funny things in the preview window. Seems to add space between random list items. But if I manually put a space, then it previews it as without a space. Not a big deal, it posts correctly.
Yeah, I don’t like that border so much in blockquotes either. Not here specifically, but Thunderbird does that, too. Personally I find it easier (to read as well) to just indent and italicize.
My thoughts exactly.
I think I’ve tried a couple of blockquote styles without finding one that I like. I’ll have to think about it.
I noticed that if you write the list items without newlines, they behave nicely. Oddly, the preview interprets each newline as the start of a new paragraph (or so it seems).
Yep.. i noticed that too =T.. btw, one of your smilies isn’t showing up.. i think it’s the “opps” =S
I see it like this – :opps:
The blockquotes! Ah, that is the hard part is stylizing .. well for me too.. but i found one that I like..
maybe a blockquote that you designed? =T *shrugs*
Heheh, thanks for letting me know this smiley thing. I’ll fix it right away!
No problem! Yay, it’s fixed =D