Noise pollution
Some people who listen to music while they work to help them concentrate don’t realise how much noise they are making: tapping, drumming, fingernail clicking, humming, whistling…
I probably wouldn’t mind so much if the battery of my mp3 wasn’t barely empty. (I’ve never wished so badly for a day to end.)
That would drive me nuts since I can’t stand the whole tapping, jiggling, whistling, humming (I guess, you name it, it bugs me) thing.
One of the jobs I applied for had everybody sitting in very close proximity. And as I sat waiting for my interview, I noticed that the receptionist kept clicking his pen. All I could think about was how I’d be on the edge if I got the job.
Oh yeah, I think I remember you telling about that! This polluter didn’t do that though — luckily.
LOL.. omgosh i know – it drives you insane! And sometimes, people turn up their music soo loud.. you can hear them like from a mile away xD!!..
It bugs me to see that someone actually listens to music so loud o__O; make me wonder.. lol.. their eardrums are gonna get busted xD!!..