Pro or con?
Oi, how some people complain every time there’s a new .x upgrade to WordPress. “Why couldn’t they make it good enough the first time around?” “Upgrading is such a draaaaaag.” So, you’d rather have an upgrade every 2-5 years at most? You’d rather wait that long for a cool new tweak in a feature or a fix to a flaw? Why is it so difficult to grasp the concept of an on-going open source project where the users actually have a say in what the “product” is going to be like? (And at the same time everyone complains how Microsoft and Mr. Gates are so dictatorial.)
After theme structure was introduced to WP, upgrading changed from pretty simple to very simple. Unless you want to go hacky-hacky with the core code, I don’t see any problem with deleting a couple of files and uploading a couple. Sure, there are some files and folders you’re better off not deleting, but there aren’t so many you couldn’t remember them all. All the important stuff is in the database which you don’t touch during the upgrade.
Or am I just too happy-go-lucky?
My only worry with WordPress is that support for old versions won’t be there at all, so you are forced to upgrade. So far I haven’t upgraded to 2.x due to the trackback/pingback problems, although I guess with my blog not having them wouldn’t matter that much…
Project management can go either way, I think — all the best with it, I’m glad to see you are excited about it. That’s definitely going to weigh in on the positive side!
P.S. What do you use for those nifty [NEW] tags and the ability to edit comments??
The plugins are Edit Comments by Andrew Sutherland and Since Last Visit by Alex King. I had trouble getting Since Last Visit working. There is a non-JavaScript version of it around but I think it stopped working on WP2.0. This JS version I’m currently using caused trouble at first until I made a separate JavaScript file where I pasted all the code. Podz’s guide on installing SLV helped me a lot.
Don’t know if you remember, but I used to have text at the top of the sidebar saying “There are x new posts and y new comments since your last visit on z.” but it started acting strangely after I upgraded to WP2.0 so I removed it. I figured it’s enough to show the 10 latest comments and the NEW flags next to posts and comment links.
Congrats on the new position, I hope you like it.
And what are the upgrades to WP2? Do I have to go visit the forum? Anything I absolutely should do?