Finally last night I started re-doing my X-Files site — literally ‘night’ because I couldn’t stop before 3 am. The current layout is horrible, cluttered, and framed. Now I’m making a really nice layout — if I may say so myself — which is only for CSS-aware browsers I’ll have to think of something for IE. I’m using
position: fixed
which makes it a no-no for IE. Actually, I downloaded beta version of IE 7 but when the installation starts it says to back up all files first. “All files”?! What’s that supposed to mean? All 80.2 GBs?
Here’s a screenshot of the layout:
The faces of Mulder and Scully are above everything else — the content text scrolls behind them. That took a bit of tweaking to get it work nicely but I’m pleased with the result.
I’ll have to try and keep the site uncluttered. All the awards and fanlistings have to go. I want it to look more sophisticated and grown-up. Guess what a shock it will be for the visitors when they stumble across my alien collection! The collection is the apple of my eye and it’s not going anywhere from XAMM.
I’m building the site on WordPress, and I found the greatest image plugin! It replaces text inside a variety of elements and you can restrict the replacement to classes, too.
Today I noticed that the X-Files is on a break (with no end in sight) because of the most idiotic show, the Bar. I’ll have time to watch some old episodes and add content to my brand new site. I’ll try and open it soon.
Whoo hoo *cheers =D!
The layout is looking good =] the colour scheme looks nice.
Good job, I can’t wait to see it real-time when it’s up lol.
Oh I’m sure your visitors would be amazed
I took the colours (blue and green) from Mulder’s and Scully’s eyes.
I’m using a nicer green, though, than the one I could get from from Mulder’s eye (it was brownish green).
ooo, smart!
Well I like that green you chose =D.. spiffy.. haha..
yepp, always taking colours from something on the layout to match the whole scheme ;D
It looks nice although I probably won’t be able to read it with the black background (yes, as you get older, your eyes just can’t take that any more = no age digs, I’ll do them myself ).
I found that plugin myself too, but I couldn’t get it to work on my site – can’t remember why, but if you get everything working with it here, you can easily right up a post about exactly what you did for idiots like me to figure out.
Jafer, in the comments for that plugin there was a tip to take out a part of the plugin output (or comment it out, really). That made it work for me.
As I have to do a simple layout for IE anyway, I can make it with some other background colour than black.
You should choose the colour you think is the best fit for the topic – black seems like a good choice, just hard to read. Isn’t that funny that when I designed my first website it was black and now I pretty much click off any that are black? I’m still waiting to see the redo though.
Eyes are weird… I’ve had to change the “white” on my work computer to a blue hue (it’s just a nice theme, the main thing is the white pages of Word files aren’t white) because looking at black text on white gets difficult after a while. Well, I guess white isn’t the ideal background colour either. I’ll think of something
Maybe a reverse of colours in a way. Or I’ll just pick out a nice and ready WP theme 
LOL. Totally werid!
whoop-dee-doo ahha..
+– that one :wink:. *Wordpress doesn’t like those “arrow heads” ” < " or " > “
When I started out designing, I always used “black” as the background because it “supposedly” is easiest to read in any coloured text, but now.. I feel like it’s more harder to read than light coloured ones. Funny eh?
So now I do my designs in lighter background *at least I try to lol, but one of my themes have a black background as you know
but I thought that would fit my idea of ‘memories’.
Either it’s the background or maybe the font? Try making it a bigger font or something so it’s more readable – that’s if you are deciding to use a black background. Just my suggestion haha.
Anyways, I love your designs so you have fun with that.
*PS: One of your smilies aren’t showing up, but rather in text –
Yeah, the font is quite big and it’s scalable so I hope it’s alright. In the screenshot the font looks tiny because my screen is quite big.