It’s getting crowded here
<sarcasm>A very nice young couple</sarcasm> is building a house right under our noses. There’s a tiny patch of land between our house and our neighbours’ and these “people” are planning to squeeze in there. Well, not just planning; today some Very Official Man came in here checking every room for existing damages because tomorrow they are going to blow dynamites (!) hardly 10 meters from us. Brace yourselves — and all sensitive electronics. I know my room was checked too because I had left a trap. I did ask Mum not to let anyone in my room to take pictures, but when have my requests gone through?
When I say ‘right under our noses’, I mean they’re putting that not-so-humble 2-storey abode in front of our kitchen, Dad’s study and Mum’s study windows. All our apple trees will probably be in the shade from the moment on when the walls rise, and who wants to sit in the garden when the other folks are right there. This is Finland for gawd’s sake (15 ppl/km2) not e.g. Slovakia (111 ppl/km2) let alone Monaco (16 620 ppl/km2)! They’re kind enough not to put any windows facing our house. So, they won’t have to look at our house but we have to look at their house’s rear-end.
I don’t understand why they need to make a 2-storey house in an area where all houses are quite low. Sure, we have 2 storeys too, but one is below ground and I believe the other houses are similarly built. I thought there were some rules for buildings in residental areas so that people don’t go around building skyscrapers everywhere. OK, perhaps if they built one storey below ground that would mean more dynamites even closer to us. Above-ground is the lesser evil. The last time some one blew something up around here, it was a lot farther and still the walls cracked — not from a good joke.
Yet another good reason to move out ASAP.
Geez, it’s hard to believe there are no zoning laws to prevent that – I know there are some here, but they’re different in every area. Miserable bast**ds.
That’s annoying. It’s understandable that you wouldn’t want someone building a house almost on top of yours, but who actually sets out to squeeze a house into a small area? Why limit yourself like that?
This happened with my aunt & uncle a few years ago. They live(d) in a house at the corner of the block. Then another nice young couple built a thin house in the very small spot that was left. You could, with no trouble, reach out the window and shut theirs. That’s entirely too close for me. But Chicago (4,923/kmĀ²) was never my kind of town anyway.
It’s amazing that it’s even legal. I mean, if there’s a guy checking for existing damage, then does that mean that they fully expect there to be new damages? Why, with that risk, can you (whoever has say over home ownership) not object?
I guess there are some sort of zoning laws around here but not apparently strict enough. They do probably change from block to block…
Perhaps I shouldn’t whine anymore… We aren’t close enough to close their windows.
Well, actually they checked our house to make sure we don’t demand money for damages that are already there. Oddly, when the last construction + blasting was close by and our house suffered damages, there was no pre-check.
We tried to object, we tried to prevent them from making such a big house, but the construction office or whatever decided that our complaint isn’t valid.
You know, I learnt that it’s going to be a 3-storey house and there will be a basement. Hurraah.
Whoa. Some people are desperate! Why are they choosing such a small place to build such a big house? lol. Kinda ironic? Anyhow. That’s just crazyness – blowing up dynamites O_O”. That should be illegal since i can cause potential damages and stuff… unless they don’t use dynamites?
Well, they’re going to destroy rock… I don’t know what they’ll use
They were supposed to do it yesterday — didn’t. Or today — didn’t. They’ll probably wait until the date for damage complaints (June 5) is gone. 
This morning they started making racket at 6:30 am! They were lucky I was supposed to wake up at 6:40 anyway.
oh.. well here we dig with machines i guess? lol.. so it won’t hurt =S. Interesting. Oh i see.. -___-‘ that really sucks!
by the way, i see that you’ve added more ‘buttons‘ for stylizing comments =p fun!
EDIT: Hmm.. I don’t see the ‘buttons’ anymore.. oddly enough, I saw a bunch =S *on this one only but it’s gone now..
Perhaps I haven’t added the button function to the comment edit “view”. i’ll look into it, thanks for noticing!
EDIT: I see the buttons and smileys… Odd?