I’m cursed
I don’t know if it’s my bad luck, poor choice of products, heavy use or a curse but my DVD+VCR combo is kaput again. This time I think even my dad believes me. I can’t remember when was the last time the device was in service but then it may’ve been a false diagnosis on my part… Now the problem started off with a little vertical jiggle of the picture, then the picture started rolling and sometimes doesn’t show at all. DVD side is all good but neither the TV picture (through the VCR) nor the video picture show properly. Sigh.
It started very suddenly. I taped a movie Friday night (12:40 till 2:30 am) and it shows up properly. Our “lovely neighbours” decided to make a cement-shake from our house on Thursday/Friday so perhaps that has broken something inside the device — I don’t know.
I’m going to have to tape Sex and the City on my old and crappy VCR and hope that because I haven’t used it in a long while, it has recovered enough to work at least a little. I think can tape Gilmore Girls on upstairs’ VCR and everything else I’ll just watch. Luckily this time I won’t have XF worries because I don’t watch the episodes from TV anymore.
This is so frustrating! Only the computer behaves nicely in my hands. (…crash…) kidding!
lol, aww =( i don’t think it’s a curse of bad luck or anything – probably just a coincedence *hopefully. Or like you said your “lovely neighbours” haha, blame it all on them. Don’t jinx your luck =)
Dad took it to service today. We’ll see if they can figure out what’s wrong. I hope I get it back soon.
I don’t know if they have it where you are, but we have the PVR (personal video recorder) which you get from the cable company and use with your digital cable box.
It lets you record stuff (in your TV, like magic) and then you just use the “list” button on your remote and it shows you all the shows you have recorded.
It’s great. You can even set shows to tape every time they’re on and never have to think about it.
What’s good about this too is that you can actually pause the TV shows you’re watching in real time. Then when you put it back on, when a commercial comes on you can just skip past it.
I think it’s like tivo in the States but I don’t know for sure cuz we don’t have tivo here.
I’ve always wanted something like TiVo (I know about it from Sex and the City…)! I don’t know if we have something like it or PVR here, but we have digital-tv boxes with hard drives which I guess is pretty much the same thing. I’d like one of those…. but then again, if I keep breaking everything (with the curse or heavy-use) it doesn’t matter how many different recording devices I have.
I did get a holiday bonus in last month’s salary….
You could always let your computer do the work, since it bows to your touch.
*knock, knock, knock* Anybody home?
Oh yeah, no news on the DVD combo either