Recently I’ve been playing Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation quite enthusiastically (when I wasn’t playing Quake 4 or Area 51, or replaying Splinter Cell 3) and today I reached level 33 (out of 35). I’m carrying 3 star-shaped “shaft keys”. I go to a room where there are star-shaped receptacles. An in-game movie starts. It shows the left wall… receptacle 1. The middle wall, receptacle 2… a lever… receptacle 3… The right wall, receptacle 4…! Oh no!
I take the oldest save game I can find and it starts promisingly. I go back through the level, jumping on little slopes on a pyramid, running in underground corridors. And then I come to a ramp where I cannot climb up.
Just great.
I tried some save games I could find but they crashed the game, so I guess I’ll have to give it a little time and start over. In the mean time I could continue Area 51 and I also installed True Crime just now. I would just like to play something relaxing after the insanity of Quake.
[Update July 25] Hurraah! I found out that the place where I thought I should have gone and couldn’t wasn’t the right place! I did in fact have a very good saving point and now I can continue with the adventure! [/Update]
You just reminded me that I own Quake (4 I think it is) and I really haven’t played it – didn’t like it and it was power mad.
But I have been playing my new Half Life 2 Episode One until yesterday when I got stuck at some part I can’t figure out how to get out of. I hate it when that happens. I’m so damned useless at these games – and yet, I keep buying them.
Quake 4 froze on this computer a couple of times when there were insane amounts of enemies and lots of shooting. Luckily, it didn’t crash, only froze for a while.
I should get Half-Life 2 Episode One, but I’m still waiting in case the price drops…
Well it’s only about $20 (per episode). I guess that’s how they’ll make big bucks now – only charge $20 instead of $60 or $70 for a whole game, and people will think that it’s cheap – but they’ll have to cough up $20 each time for another new episode.
I think of Episode One as a sort of expansion pack to Half-Life 2, although it apparently doesn’t need the basic game to work. It’s only 16,80 € at a store now so maybe I’ll buy it soon. I’d only have to take a big detour to the centre. Maybe I’ll finish early one day next week or the next and go to the police station to fill in my passport application and go via the game store, too. Or maybe I’ll wait till Friday and while I’m going to the centre anyway for an ex-co-worker’s fairwell cruise, I’ll pick up the game before the cruise… That sounds like a good plan.
Yay, seems like you’ve got even better at uncovering the game =) good job lol.
Hope you have fun finishing it soon!!
I finished Tomb Raider 4 and started with Tomb Raider 3 although I may have finished it already, but because it’s not on my Finished games list I need to finish it (again?) and write it down. (Gamers, an advice: WRITE THEM DOWN! I recently re-played Broken Sword 3 because I wasn’t sure I had finished it. I had, and it’s not particularly exciting game.)
On Friday I’ll buy Episode One, hurraah! (If they have them on the shelves anymore…)
Ooh more games =D! haha..
Won’t it stay at some level to tell you that you’ve gone through like most of the game if you did? lol.. so then you can tell if you’ve really finished the game or not =\?
I may’ve played the games on my previous computer and I also often delete games completely so that I don’t even leave saved games (those would show up if I re-installed the game) unless the game is somehow special.
Jafer, I just finished playing Episode One. Are you still stuck in it? I could try and give a hint.