Judge a co-worker by the stray email
At work there’s a woman who has irked me from the beginning. I don’t know why she gives out this stuck-up vibe. I suppose it’s like anti-charisma. (Note, she’s the only annoying person in the company — in my opinion.)
We have mailing lists at work for downstairs people and upstairs people (and several different group combinations). I’m on the upstairs list but the person I’m backing up is, for some reason, also on the downstairs list. Today someone sent an email to downstairs people to remind them that the person who takes the last cup of coffee from the pot should put more coffee brewing. Then someone forwarded the request to us upstairs people because we also use the coffee maker downstairs.
Mrs/Ms Stuck-Up sent an email to all downstairs people that they definitely can blame the upstairs people for hogging the coffee when they come downstairs for meetings. Because “upstairs it’s ‘who wants coffee, makes coffee’. Isn’t it amazing how there can be such different practices inside a workplace?” (It was better worded in the email, in Finnish.) I took it that we upstairs people don’t have any manners. Upstairs we really do make coffee when we want it, not when it’s out. M(r)s Stuck-Up didn’t realise that upstairs we don’t drink coffee non-stop and not that many people even drink coffee. (I can’t say whether some people hog the coffee downstairs. I would think so, but that’s not the point.)
I was already starting to think I had judged her too hastily but that email verified my first impression. I’ll try and not look at her too murderously.
Yikes. Coffee’s making people antsy in the pantsy. I never understood the appeal of coffee. I can tolerate something good that’s coffee-flavored, but not anything you would call coffee.
Might get a bit of zing from the caffeine, but it dehydrates you and you get tired and irritated by the end of the work day. I just have a bottle of water that I keep in the ‘fridge and refill it at the ice-cold water dispenser a few times a day. But I do remember an article about coffee beans being good for the heart.
You gotta have something to look forward to at work. Sounds like she always needs a bit of drama in her life.
How ridiculous is that? Everybody’s gotta have a ‘bad guy’ – only there it’s upstairs vs. downstairs.
I suggest you don’t give ms. snottypants any murderous looks – ignoring her totally would work better – don’t even look at her at all, and if you have to look at her (because she’s talking to you or something), just glance her way and then look at someone else as if she’s not even worth your looks.
Lucky for me, I only pop downstairs for 15 minutes during lunch and I’m rarely invited to those coffee-hogging meetings. My only regular meeting is our nerd club every fortnight (which I missed yesterday because I was too busy being a project manager).
I just don’t understand her need to be so negative! As if work wasn’t stressful enough without such tempests in a coffee pot. I resisted an urge to tell her that we happen have a different demand for coffee upstairs. Sigh.
You know, the downstairs people often leave the dishes unwashed so when we go to eat we often have to wash a fork or a spoon first. Ick. I’ve had a fork/knife combo for lunches almost ever since I started because as I won’t leave my fork for someone else to wash, I won’t wash a fork that’s been in someone else’s mouth. I mean, grown-up people can’t wash their coffee mug or a single fork. How forked up is that?!
Ewwie. In that case, I would rather bring my own fork/spoon/knife whatever lol myself. [that’s an unclean environment…] Doesn’t anyone complain?
I guess not. Perhaps they’re used to washing other people’s (i.e. their family’s) dishes — I’m not.