Misfirings in the brain
Chatting with Vera, I noticed I misspelled all the time. I wrote “where I you flying on Tuesday?” without noticing it. I of course should’ve written ‘are’ instead if ‘I’. Why did I write it like that? They don’t even sound alike! In the same conversation I had written “I’m not sure why there links aren’t in exactly the same place though”.
My brain’s a bit wonky anyway. For as long as I can remember, I sometimes mix up the letters s and r when I’m writing by hand. In cursive handwriting they probably looked similar to me when we were practising it on 3rd grade (onwards) and nowadays I sometimes mix up even the normal handwriting letters and capital letters which look nothing alike.
I also confuse the words ‘orange’ and ‘purple’. I do know which is which, but sometimes I accidentally say one when I mean the other, and then it takes a while before I can find the correct word I was looking for.
Does something like this happen to you, too?
And again! “I could’ve slept this 10-11 if he hadn’t come whining behind my door at 8.” Jeez!
lol, that’s okay XD. It usually happens to me when I’m deprived of sleep, then I go all high 0_0; don’t even know what I’m saying sometimes and everyone think I’ve gone cuckoo. It’s normal, not just you
*ps: i still think it’s my fault, sorry
Don’t worry! You didn’t keep me up all night
Nah, it’s just you. Frankly, I can’t even remember what any little quirks I have are.
Yeah… I thought so.