Christmas shopping
Today I went shopping with my sister. I hadn’t bought any Christmas presents yet (unless the stamps count) but today I found a present for Dad, Mum, my godson, a friend, and our dog. I also bought “The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer” DVD for myself.
The doggie present was taken into use right away. It’s a bright orange safety vest with paw-shaped reflectors on both sides.
I still have to think of something to get my sister and my Australian friend… After that, I’m ready for Christmas.
Ooh Christmas shopping! =) I have to wait till the holidays (2 weeks) =(..
Tell me if the DVD is good, sounds interesting :razz:!
Maybe after this week I actually have time to watch the DVD (hurraah)! I’ll tell you what it’s like then. It’s a prequel to Rose Red which is a Stephen King movie.
I’ve got all my shopping done. I’ve given presents already and told people that it’s their Christmas gift, so I only had one left to buy and I bought it. Nothing under the tree this year.
Today I went shopping again!
Got a book for Dad and clothes for my sister. Now I just have to wrap everything up, send the gift to my godson, and meet up with that friend of mine. Then I can start waiting for Christmas Eve and carrot casserole.