2 hours to go
There’s about 2 hours to go of this year. What do you remember about it? What did you do?
I probably don’t remember anything — I never do. I do remember starting project managing in February-March and after that it’s been quite a ride (with occasional long days). I also remember being very happy at work and enjoying it enormously.
The planning and preparations for my Comments
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Well, I think your year was much more exciting than mine – except for the new phone part. Since I didn’t get a new phone, I at least got my new camera, and printer, and so I’ll consider that the best part of my year since I was working and then not again.
So this upcoming year will consist of finding yet another job once I finish the two-month project end-Feb. with the place I’ve been at for a couple of months.
Money will be very tight once more, so I’ve got to learn to curb those shopaholic tendencies of mine – perhaps I can do that in 2007; make it a resolution.
Overall I guess I’ve got nothing to complain about cuz, in the long run, who really gives a flying farg?
Life is good, you’ve got a lot to look forward to and I look forward to reading more about it next year
Merry New Year!
Happy New Year to you too!
My year – well I’ve accomplished quite a lot – more so than other years. I’ve changed a lot (for the better of course)! I’ve done really well in school and made quite a lot of money by myself. Other than that, it just felt like a ‘come and go’ thing. And before we know it, its already a new year!
For the upcoming (or should I say, this) year, well – I’m looking forward to my birthday because that’s when I can do whatever I want with my life (lol, that sounded really freaky) – okay I’m a good girl, don’t worry lol. Mmm.. I’ll travel more anddd that’s when I’ll be graduating High School! =] Woot.