Name pattern
The other night I realised a weird “pattern” in the names of my computers. My first computer was named Simon and this one is Sullivan — Simon & Garfunkel, Gilbert & Sullivan. What next? Sonny?
Not much of a pattern, they’re just some sort of duos. (I actually thought that Gilbert and Sullivan had something to do with modern music… I was wrong.) I’ve honestly just tried to think of nice names beginning with S (as long as my computer is a Scaleo).
Do you give nicknames to your computers, gadgets or anything? (I don’t mean toys or living things. Nor euphemisms.)
I don’t name anything unless calling my beautiful car, “my beautiful car”, counts as a name. The only other thing I name are stuffed animals – and I don’t even name all of those, just some. Lately my daughter has wanted me to name new stuffed animals (don’t ask me why I keep buying these) and so they’ve ended up with names.
lol, interesting.. i was going to say: “you named your computer? lol”.. that’s cute :)! I don’t think I really named any objects haha..
some guys I know name their cars though lol.. pretty freaky XD! .. or at least, to me.. lol