Suddenly I’ve started to look for apartments for real. I made an appointment at my bank for Monday and then I’ll find out what sort of money I can plan on putting into an apartment. On Sunday we’re going to 4-5 showings (whatever it’s called — open house) and 4 more on Monday.
I have started a list of the things I need. And now I know some requirements for the apartment too: two rooms + kitchen and bathroom, preferably a balcony with “window glasses” (although a balcony will make it easier for my parents to smoke when they’re visiting…), storage space in the apartment (lots of old apartments have walk-in closets), no bathtub (takes unnecessarily much space)…
First I started looking for apartments nearby but Dad suggested the area where we used to live years ago. Not because he wants me far away (I hope so) but because it’s a nice area and it would make commuting easier. The apartments are also cheaper there. Still, I’m worried about “shunning my responsibilities” if I move too far away: I wouldn’t be able to help with the dog.
I’m going to buy an apartment instead of renting. Furthermore, I’m getting a two-room apartment instead of a studio because I see studios as temporary abodes — I want a Home. With a capital H. Also, there’s something about having all rooms in a single space that bothers me.
[Edit: June 17] Dad told me that it is actually forbidden in many places to smoke on the balcony nowadays. Therefore people have to smoke either inside their apartments or in the yard. Two of the buildings we went to see today smelled awfully of tobacco… Anyway, if I had a balcony, my parents would have to go outside to smoke because I would definitely forbid smoking inside. [/Edit]
Sounds like a lot of fun. I can’t wait to get a few more terms done so I can think seriously about it.
Don’t know where I’d like to call home, though. I can’t imagine myself in anything bigger than a studio. I have enough stuff to barely fill a bedroom.
Good luck! Hope you find something just right.
I don’t know if I have much stuff, it just feels that I do…
Perhaps the studios around here are quite small, because it feels they are all as big as my current room and I can’t fit in it anymore
(computer is not in there).
I want a huge bookcase and as long as I don’t have enough books to fill it I can put my DVDs and CDs in there too. I have my gigantic-ish computer table that I need to stick in the corner of either the bedroom or the living-room.
Well, well, well, look at you. Buying your own apartment. Geez, I wish I could afford to do that but, alas, no down payment for me. The bank probably wouldn’t give me anything either consider that my credit cards are all maxed and I have a monthly loan, and (I never stop spending)…
We’ve got a 3-bedroom apartment that’s overflowing with stuff (but many years of collecting the stuff). I think it’s a wise decision not to look for a studio. Better to have some room there and some room for growth so you don’t have to move out soon.
Congrats! Good for you!!!
The clerk at the bank said that I could get a loan big enough to buy an apartment I want right now but I have a feeling I’d be eating macaroni and tuna for a looong time if I did so. Therefore, I decided to try and wait till about the end of the year when I’ll have enough money in my home saving account. Maybe I could start searching again around my birthday…
On Sunday I saw a lovely 60m2 apartment which was surprisingly inexpensive but it’s monthly fee (maintenance, garbage disposal, water etc.) was bigger than usual for no apparent reason. And yesterday I saw an apartment which was really nice. Its layout was identical to the apartment of an old couple we know (not blood relatives) which was kind of creepy — but the kitchen was beautiful! Loads of storage space.
Just add tomato sauce (no, not ketchup, but something like Ragu) to the macaroni and tuna and it won’t be too bad…
You know, I like ketchup a lot… But I’ll have to try tomato sauce as well because I have no idea what e.g. Ragu is.
Wikipedia to the rescue: RagĂș
Since I actually don’t know if RagĂș is sold in Finland, I’ll have to take a closer look in the supermarket next time. I don’t remember what brand I bought last time…
The Wikipedia article mentions Knorr (another brand) which is very common in Finnish grocery stores.