One giant leap for me
Well, what do you know. The apartment I tried to reserve suddenly became available. They called me today because I had left my contact information. And you know what? I’m going to reserve it. I tried to call today soon after 4 pm but the office was closed for the Midsummer (public holidays). I was asked to call back on Monday, so I’ll call then. Damn if they get someone else to reserve it before me. They did say that I should call on Monday and only then they’d call other people if I didn’t want the place. I shouldn’t get too excited though because every time I do, it all goes down the drain.
Nevertheless, how exciting! I’d get to pick out materials and colours for my new apartment. The building will be finished in the first quarter of 2008.
How nice, getting your input for the finished apartment!
And yeah, never enough bookshelves. I finagled a two-level shelf during the move (a couple years ago) and everything is “double-parked” (I don’t know what the shelving-equivalent vernacular is, so hopefully that’s an easy idiom). My Tetris skills came in handy getting everything in there.
Good luck on the reservation!
An excellent idiom. I do that with my videos (yeah, I still have video tapes) and Stephen King books. Well, King books are double-parked and stacked. Very helter skelter.
Well, I guess that’s nice. I never heard of reserving the apartments, but I guess it’s different if you’re buying. I know when you’re renting over here you have to give them money down (usually first month’s rent) and then they’ll do a credit check, then if you’re approved, you’ve got the apartment.
Congrats! I hope it doesn’t go down the tubes!
It’s almost 3 am and I can’t sleep. I don’t even think I’m tired. I keep thinking about what kind of floors I’d like, which furniture I need, and what colour should the curtains be.
I don’t know if it’s a normal policy with new apartments, but this apartment is paid in “small” portions every two months or so. In the list of apartments I have here it says either “reserved” or “sold”; I suppose “sold” means it’s been paid completely even though majority of the due dates for the payments are in the future.