Last Wednesday I got some papers for my apartment (ah, love the ring of that), among them a material request form. It had different alternatives for kitchen cabinet doors and handles, kitchen tabletop, and bathroom tiles (walls and floor). Not very much, but those are the important things that affect the colours of the whole apartment.

The problem is (yes, of course there is a problem), the deadline for all that was week 22 — way back when I didn’t even know this apartment existed. I tried to contact the architect by email to ask if there is any hope for me to choose the materials any more. I haven’t got a response. Yesterday I mailed the form in the hopes that it makes a difference. I think I’m going to call them on Friday if I haven’t heard from them before that. On Friday I’m going to the bank so I won’t have to leave the house so early; it’s a good time to call.

What I’m afraid of the most is that either the previous reserver or the architects have chosen vanilla-coloured cabinet doors for the kitchen and blue tiles for the whole of bathroom. Finns tend to like blue, I’m afraid, and it’s one of the few colours I really do not appreciate. Seriously. Cabinet doors are easy and inexpensive to switch but bathroom renovation is a major change. So major that I wouldn’t do it — and I would have to live in an apartment with a yucky bathroom. Just like I do now.

It would seem strange that the architect sent me the form if I didn’t have a slightest chance to do anything about it. I would think they would’ve mentioned it and let me know what the final choices are.

Please please please, it can’t be too late.

[Edit: July 5] It wasn’t too late. No blue bathroom or vanilla kitchen for me! Hurrah! [/Edit]