How to throw a house-warming party?
While we were sitting on the subway, a colleague of mine said I should throw a house-warming party when I finally get to move into my new apartment. A really good idea, but I have a problem: I’ve never been to a house-warming party!
What do people do at a house-warming party?
What should I serve? (I’m not going to serve alcohol.)
Do I need to have seats for everyone or are people prepared to stand around?
And most importantly: Should I hide my alien collection?
I think I should at least have a sofa and kitchen table + chairs before I invite anyone, but I don’t know how long it’ll take for me to find them! Also, I would hate to see my brand new sofa ruined by food or drink. (Or am I being too obsessive?)
I’m thinking I’d have it on a Thursday or so. Friday nights most people want to go out and get drunk because they don’t have work the next day; and my house-warming party wouldn’t be the best place to spend a Friday night…
Luckily, I have more than 6 months to think this one, too, through.
(What’s up with that misaligned window?)
Housewarming party = inviting people to your new abode, they bring little gifts for you – usually something for your home. No, people do not stand at these parties (not like a regular party), they sit around and chat, so seating is a must.
You don’t need to hide anything – people want to see your home, you’ll tell them what you’ve done with it or need to do. It’s usually people close to you that you invite, they may ask you what you need. Couch is not a good answer unless they’ve got an overabundance of cash. Basket full of cleaning products is a good gift since each product usually costs about $5.
Don’t be obsessive about your furniture since this is not the drunken, gorfing down food type of event.
Sundays are a good day for this kind of thing – it can even be in the afternoon.
Aww am I invited? lol, just kidding.. I wish I could fly over there
I woud love to see your alien collection! Yeah, I know what you mean .. I don’t really like anybody messing with my brand new furniture..usually when people go over, they leave such a big mess for you to clean up -_-.. its like “I supplied the are to party, and I clean all the mess up at the end?” =(
LOL that’s strange..maybe they wanted to make it unique XD…it does bug me though X)
Maybe the seating won’t be such a problem after all. The sofa should be enough for 3-4 people and I think I’ll buy a kitchen table with 4 chairs. Plus I have my armchair.
I suppose I’ll keep it on a weekday for my colleagues because some of them live far so it may be easier for them to come after work. For friends and family it’ could be on a Sunday.