Rise and shine
Waking up is not so hard to do after all.
This morning I had to wake up at 5:30 am (we had to leave for a faraway meeting). That is really early for me; even 6:30 when I normally wake up (or 6:43 more accurately) is really early for me. I tried to be the good girl and went to bed at 11 pm but what good did it do: after playing some mobile sudoku, remembering I’d forgotten to set a timer for that night’s Lost episode, I was still up after 12 am — leaving barely 5 hours of sleep.
But, I jumped up at 5:30 and, really, only the first 3-5 seconds were difficult. The biggest problem is how do I stay up for the rest of the day. (Luckily, I don’t really have to, I got off work early.)
You know, it’s probably like a sugar rush: you quickly get high but then you crash suddenly.
That sounds like my usual work day – up at 6:00 feeling like hitting the snooze button but I’ve stopped doing that because, for some reason, my snooze button stops going off after a while and I end up sleeping in.
Some nights I try to get to bed early, thinking that I’ve been getting too little sleep and I’m going to catch up on it, but then I get up in the morning and I sometimes feel worse than if I’d had less sleep.
Who can figure out this sleep thing? It makes me tired just thinking about it.
The exact same thing happens to me; I get a headache and feel a bit groggy. Maybe we should give up sleeping altogether! Oh, but then we’d start hearing and seeing things — and whacking people.
My snooze button buzzes every 9 minutes and stops going off after an hour so it’s quite safe. I have a habit of turning it off “in my sleep,” though, so I have a backup alarm on my mobile. Some mornings it has been a lifesaver! (Or a job saver at least.)
My Monday ain’t too great. I woke up at past 7AM….that was a disaster I tell you!
Waking up wasn’t hard to do on Monday but after that it has been very difficult. Staying awake isn’t very easy at the moment either. What’s up with that?
haha true, very true. However, if you don’t get enough sleep consecutively (everyday), it will become a lot more difficult to get up. Sleeping too much is a issue too because its like not sleeping at all.. lol..
lucky for you that you don’t have to worry a
bout staying up for the rest of the day.. however, I do lol.. sometimes I can’t hold it and I sleep in the library haha.. just scared that I might sleep overboard (miss class O_O) hehe..
You have to power-nap: Hold something in your hand (keychain, book) and when you doze off you’ll (most likely) drop it and wake up from all the noise. Or if the noise won’t wake you up, I bet the angry librarian will.
LOL yeah that’ll work XD if not.. sometimes if you think a lot (too much on your mind .’. worrying) you’ll eventually wake up from it because you’re too worried! XD I had that at times..freaked me out when I actually didn’t have anything to worry because I accomplished it BEFORE I fell asleep haha..but when I woke up, I thought I’d forgotten X)