I went to see Stephen King’s 1408 on Saturday. I don’t particularly like John Cusack but he was good in this — playing a man going crazy inside a hotel room. The movie had its scary parts; there was a woman sitting next to me and my sister who screamed and jumped on her seat. Annoying. At first I was worried about the hordes of teenagers that filled the theatre but the most noisy and obnoxious people turned out to be the oldest of the bunch. The woman was accompanied by a man — a tall, wide, black-clothed, long-haired giant — who said after the movie, “That wasn’t scary at all! The scary horror movies are much better!” I thought, “scary horror movies? Which are those?”

I also did some shopping: a couple of Christmas presents (gets harder every year to think of presents for everyone) and I also found two shirts.

New shirts

Quite lovely I must say. I’m saving the purple one for our office Christmas party (“festive dress”), then I can start wearing it on normal workdays. :mrgreen: