Oh goody goody goody. Now I’ve acquired all the necessary electricity-slurping gadgets for my new home: I bought a TV (32″ LCD), a digital receiver (I need it for my DVD/VCR and just for the ease of recording), a washing machine, and a vacuum cleaner. I didn’t yet get a microwave oven, a printer-scanner, or an iron because those can wait; and I can carry them home by myself, now I got a delivery for the stuff I bought today. I’m getting them delivered on May 2nd so they’re hopefully ready by my move-in day. (I wanted to have a little leeway in case the delivery is delayed.)

I also found a dinner table + chairs that I really want. I had found a similar set before but I was worried about its quality. The ones I saw today are much better quality and the size is more fitting too, I think. So, the problems now are: sofa, bed, and storage (books, DVDs, CDs). I’ve booked a meeting with an interior decorator (please don’t laugh, I just want some ideas on how I should arrange my living-room. It’s so difficult!) which is hopefully next week (I haven’t heard back from them yet).

Hmm, I suppose I should get the electricity, too… ;)