And Dad said, Let there be light: and there was light in a trusty old department store. And Minna saw the light, that it was good.
And Minna said, let there be curtains in the living-room, and let them divide the lights from the lights. And Minna bought the curtains, and they divided the lights which were outside from the lights which were inside: and it was so.
And on the third day of August Minna ended her work which she had made; and she rested on the Sunday from all her work which she had made.
Not before making the resting place of course.
Wow, your place is really coming together. Starting to look like a magazine spread. You’re making me want new curtains now. I like that touch of red.
I love the headboard lights! They’re so handy! No fear of tipping over a lamp on the night table… or hitting the darn hot bulb which I did from time to time with my previous reading lamp (attached to the wall above the head of the bed). I just hope the quality is alright because I bought the bed from a cheap-ish store.
I chose red curtains mainly because I have a red armchair still in the room (I noticed it doesn’t really fit on my bedroom…). I also have a red tablecloth or red place mats on the dinner table so it ties nicely together. I actually bought one more curtain, black, and placed it in the middle (red black red red — or should I put it to either end). I’m just trying it out.
If I don’t like it, I can move it in the bedroom because I think I’m getting white curtains from an aunt so I may want a little splash of colour in the bedroom, too.
haha, was that intentional? well it rhymed! Anywhoo, the lights are great. So are the curtains. Just found it interesting that you have lights on the headboard! Just make sure you don’t bump your head on it somehow =) is a cool idea though.. good for reading =]