The Orange Box
Fiiinally the Half-Life 2 Orange Box was so inexpensive that I decided to buy it. Ever since it was released over a year ago I’ve been annoyed that it contained two games I already had (Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2 Episode 1). Sure, it was a bargain anyway but why buy duplicates? At first it seemed that Episode 2 and Portal wouldn’t be available in any other format (except digitally on Steam, but I like the smell of game boxes) but I suppose they’ve released them individually by now.
On Tuesday I saw an advert for a game store’s “grand opening” and they had a really good deal on the Orange Box — it was only 9.90€ while in other stores it was around 30-50€ still. After some persuasion by my co-workers to once in my life “play hooky”, I decided to come to work later than usual and stop by the game store on Wednesday morning. I did, and I got the game!
I installed it the same evening and decided to try it out. I had real difficulty getting connected to the Steam servers which were too busy to handle my request and it prevented me completely from launching the game. Apparently it required some files downloaded or some thing to be done first even though I had turned off automatic updates. Eventually it worked but this got me thinking: what happens when the servers get overloaded? What happens when they are closed completely? Could that happen in the near future?
Kory was just telling me about a 5-install limit on some games. Game companies are doing their best preventing people from playing today’s games in the future. That’s so sad.
What’s Orange Box? What kind of game is it? Like an online game?? That sucks.. they just want to earn money -_-
I’ve got all the Half Life 2 games but I don’t know what the “Orange box” edition is. I know when I first bought it I bought the premium version (it came with a Half Life 2 t-shirt too).
I also now own Portal but I can’t figure that stinking thing out. I think I’m game challenged… if it’s not too obvious, I’m losing or not getting it.
Orange box contains all current Half Life 2 games (HL2 itself, Episodes 1 and 2), plus Portal, plus Team Fortress 2 (a multi-player game). I think they released Episode 2 and Portal exclusively in the Orange box first — at least here… They were saying that they’d never release the new games (Episode 2 and Portal) individually except on Steam. And individually they cost around 20€ (Orange Box cost around 50 € and it has 5 games).
I haven’t started playing Portal yet but I’ve played Episode 2 for a few hours. Have to play some now that it’s weekend again. During the week I’m so knackered after work that I can’t do anything.
Well when my daughter saw me trying to play Portal, she said something like, “oh, don’t you get it?”, and I didn’t. I don’t think my mind is abstract enough, I got into a different level but couldn’t come up with how to get out of there and so I quit. I’m sure you’re going to do well.
I tried Portal for a bit last night. I’m in the testing facility (don’t know if it moves from there at any point) and I got frustrated with a level with one of those energy balls that disappear after bouncing to and fro for a while (it was 3 am, I got frustrated easily…). When I went to bed I realised how I must do it so I made a note on my cellphone in case I forgot about it in the morning.
I can try and give you a tip if I’ve played the level you’re stuck in.
Yes, that’s exactly where I’m stuck – couldn’t figure out how to get away from that ball. Tell me, tell me.
I wonder if it’s the same spot but I’ll explain the place where I got stuck. There was a T form corridor with a lift in the middle. First I had to go left up the stairs that appeared and get a box. A receptacle for the energy ball was up these stairs. The stairs disappeared again (I think) and then I went right where putting the box on a button had opened a door. The energy ball was in a small room at the end of this corridor. I had to jump on some moving platforms on my way there.
Anyway, that’s the scenario. My duh moment came when I realised I can open a portal on top of the receptacle before going to the room with the energy ball.
If you’re at a different level, let me know the surroundings a bit and I’ll try and think if I’ve been there yet.