Disappearance trick
Just yesterday, and several days before that, I had a private swimming pool (or a skating rink if it would’ve frozen) — on my balcony! The drain out there doesn’t do its job efficiently enough and the melting snow created a nice little pond. It started as a small puddle around the drain but yesterday it had reached the door. Luckily, if the water level got any higher than that, it would start going over the sides and wouldn’t get in since the door is higher.
In the photo above, my doorstep is at the bottom of the picture and the water is about 2 feet away. (That was the day before yesterday.)
I lifted the block of ice off the drain in the hopes of opening it but no luck there…
However, this morning(-ish…) the water was nearly gone! There’s only a little bit of ice left in the groove that goes around the balcony. I hope the water doesn’t come back this winter but I’m definitely listing this as something that needs to be fixed. (After the first year they’ll do an inspection and ask the people to report any problems that were noticed during the first year of occupying the apartments.)
I’m glad I didn’t yet have any furniture or flooring on my balcony!
Yes, I guess you’re lucky nothing was there. I know some people store things on their balcony because they’re bulky or they don’t have enough room.
Good to keep a list. Don’t forget where you keep it (something that might happen to me).
I may have to put the list on my fridge since I, too, might forget where it is if it was somewhere “clever” or “organised”.
How come the comments are turned ‘off’ on the alchemist post?
Hey, thanks for noticing! I took an old post from drafts and first forgot to change the publishing date. I completely forgot about the commenting setting. Now it’s open.