This must be at least the fourth time I’m starting to code a new blog theme. I’m not sure how long I’ve had this layout — +3 years in any case. (Can it be 6 years? An internet archive site showed this layout in a stored page from 2004… Whoooboy, high time then.)

First I started making a theme based on the blogging application I did for a University course.

Snippet of a portfolio layout for uni

Then I wanted to do something red…
A layout sketch

Next I started creating something around a nice photo of mine…
Collar with a smiley pin
(The pin is from my sister and I often wear it on my winter coat.)

Now I’m creating a theme around this colour palette I created at when I was planning the colour scheme for my apartment (back in 2007, sheesh).

I’m feeling this time I’m actually going to finish it. Thankfully, I have 2 more weeks of vacation left! The creation process is always very difficult for me because I can’t doodle, draw, or design the graphics, AT ALL.