Just seeing things
I have this recurring dream or nightmare or hallucination — whatever I should call it.
I think it happens right when I’m about to fall asleep: I “wake up” and see an enormous spider, a black tarantula-looking thing, walking on the bed next to my pillow. At the time, still half-asleep/awake, I’m actually aware that this happens to me a lot and I know it’s never been anything, but I think this time the thing just looks so real (and huge, and moving!) that I have to turn on the light — which I in reality do because I’m not sleeping properly yet — and make sure.
Unsurprisingly, there’s never been anything. Not even a big crinkle in the bedsheets.
I think it’s strange that this happens to me so often, because I’m not particularly afraid of spiders. I don’t like them but I don’t have a phobia either.
There’s also the dream of a mouth full of loose teeth (I hear it’s quite common). Ugh, I really hate that one. Luckily I haven’t seen it in a while. Maybe chewing gum helps…
Ahhhh! Of all things to be falling asleep to. I am kinda afraid of spiders (they might wrestle me to the ground and then eat me alive). I think I’d rather have the loose tooth dream, maybe I’d also dream about my dental plan fixing them.
I suppose I got so used to spiders and other bugs when I was living with my parents because my room was below ground and there were loads of bugs skittering around. Well, not sure there were a lot of bugs because where the room was, but it was a very bug-friendly place…
Apparently the loose tooth dream is said to happen to everyone. Everyone will dream this dream at least once in their lives. I don’t think I dreamt of that one yet, or maybe I just don’t remember it.
I dislike recurring dreams. Especially when my dreams are like seeing myself die in each of them, in several ways. Those are terrible. But good thing it stopped!
Do you think dreams are true? Sometimes its so real that you think its like deja vu. Then it becomes even worse when you can’t even differentiate the two. Perhaps dreams having meaning or it could be about our past lives? But most people say it happens because your brain keeps thinking throughout the day and some thoughts are kept away until at night when you finally try to sleep/shut off which is when they come back and ‘bite’ you
I think dreams are just “residue” of whatever has happened or whatever I’ve seen etc.
I actually don’t remember ever having a dream where I died. No, that’s not right — I do. I once had a dream where I got shot in the stomach. Mulder and Scully (from the X-Files) were in the dream too.
But that’s the only dying-dream I remember. And I’m not even sure I died in it…
I also don’t remember having dreams that I would mix up with reality. Then again, I’m quite bad at remembering most dreams…
Well, sometimes I may think I’ve already told something to someone when in fact I haven’t.
I do often get deja vus and I can clearly “remember” when was the last time that situation happened to me.
I remember, when I was a kid I used to have a recurring dream about Gotham City at night with a big full moon. I was a Batman fan then.
(Of the good ol’ Batman series with Adam West and drawn sound effects. POW!
) I don’t think the night scene was from the show at all, but a city I imagined. Nothing much happened in that dream even though I saw it time and time again. Just the scenery. A lovely scenery but what a boring dream!
A long time ago I used to keep a dream journal (only for a little while). Could be interesting to read it after so many years.
Ya that’s right. I also remember the exact time and spot I said it (or at least I thought I said it) – mixing up reality. (Kind of scary???)
That’s very cool – your dream about Gotham City. It must have been beautiful lol.
I actually wanted to decipher my dreams before.. but I couldn’t.. seemed to always fail =\ .. maybe that’s a good thing
I think it’s a good thing
I’ve heard people say that you shouldn’t try and explain dreams. Or at least, if you look up the meaning of something from your dream you shouldn’t take it too seriously.